Monday, March 24, 2008

Prayers for Don's new job

Don is going on an interview tomorrow morning for a job in Denton which he is really excited and nervous about so prayers are really needed to calm him. I think this will be a good company for him and a great opportunity to get back into the work force. He will have to work the 2nd shift which will be like 3-midnight but it will be okay as it's only 9.2 miles from the house and hopefully there won't be a lot of traffic on the road at that time of night. I know I won't sleep for the first couple of nights that he has to work until I get used to it but I know I have to allow God to drive him home safely.....

I think I am loving this blog thing...LOL


Beanie said...

Ok, Prayers going up!!! I cannot wait to hear about the possible new job. 3 to midnight is not too bad of hours. That gives him time to sleep in and he is not going to bed too late. I think I could handle those hours myself, if I had to work.

Beanie said...

Oh and you did great adding the fun snippets and links to your blog. I knew you would get the hang of it. I think I will have to go add the snippets to my blog. Thats way cool.