Sunday, August 10, 2008

Once a month blogger!

I guess that's what you could call me, since it appears to be one month or so from my last post! I am so bad at this. I enjoy reading everyone's and can't believe that people post every single day without fail and even put pictures of what they did that day on there. Wow.

I was sitting at the kitchen table this morning and thought I need to get some focus in my life, so I just sat there for a few minutes and thought about it. Then I decided okay I am going to start fresh so off I go to the bathroom scale~ BIG MISTAKE! UGh....reality hits. What was I thinking? That I could just eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and the weight I lost would stay off! Open eyes, shut mouth.... Ok, not going to get depressed but going to look at it as an opportunity for me to make some changes in my life.

So starting fresh and early tomorrow morning, I am going back on weight watchers. For some reason being able to count my points and write down everything I put in my mouth makes me accountable. I know the extra weight is also hurting my pain that I already have and so I need to do this for me.

So I look for my stuff since i have started weight watcher atleast a zillion times you would think I would have everything in one place, no that would be too easy. Also have to understand that my house is upside down right now and hasn't gotten better since my mom and aunt moved in almost a year ago, we packed up stuff in a day and 1/2 so they could move in so things go put in boxes and not labeled and I can't find a thing, my garage is overflowing...that's another story to blog about, oh maybe next month~ LOL

okay so I find the quick start plan, jeez only 20 points wow that's so little for such a big body. Okay I can do this. I look at the book, decide what we are going to eat all week, make a menu and now I will shop for those items, I will weigh and measure everything that goes into my mouth and see how the week goes. I will not eat chocolate this week even though I know I will be craving it as I PMS but I will not cave in, I will journal and pray about my choices every day.

So will you pray for me this week on my journey and allow God to show me that I don't need food for everything and that I will drink more water and I will walk more this week besides just my Monday night walk. Thank you my friends for your support and love.